This blog is for the families of preschool and kindergarten parents. The intent is to communicate regularly and quickly about what is happening in our classroom. Please let us know if this is useful for your family!

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Busy Day!

Today was another exciting day.  It was SO busy that the K students didn't have time to share their end of day thoughts.  (They were in their tech class.)  Below are some of the fun parts of our day.  Others (like the next phase of the giant insect creation) will be in the next slideshow.  Have a fun weekend!

James - Playing Basketball

Patrick – Going down the slide

Hunter – Playing with Jason

Garrett – Going on the tire swing

Mya – Going in the fort in the forest

Ella – Playing outside with Libby

Jake – Playing beyblades with Jack’s beyblade

Caitie – Swinging on the Swing

Serenity – Looking at books with the teacher during quiet reading

Tyler – Going into the trees and seeing the fort

Freddie – I remember it was fun playing in the sandbox

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