This blog is for the families of preschool and kindergarten parents. The intent is to communicate regularly and quickly about what is happening in our classroom. Please let us know if this is useful for your family!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What was your favorite part of the day?

Playing at recess. -Caitie
Lunch with Libby. - Ella
Follow the Leader. -Jake
Picking potatoes. -Mya
Having snack, sitting next to Patrick. -Maranda
Playing play dough. -Patrick
Playing Beyblades at recess. -Breton
The spaceship in music class and then getting chased by a meteor! -Alyssa
A ride in space! -Fred (And we enjoyed his singing telegram from the third and fourth graders.
Meeting the potato experts Marshal and Ashley. -Mrs. Pert
Playing with Alexon. -Baylynn
Rolling down the hill! -Serenity
Going under the blanky in Phys. Ed. class, and music, and rolling down the hill -Garrett
The freeze game and conga line with Mr. Paul Sullivan.

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